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A good person is limited to doing things they believe are good. If someone else has a different definition of good, their identity as a good person is threatened unless they conform to others’ perception of good as well.

A free person is free to do as they choose. If you’re free, you’re not limited by anything, not even your beliefs.

You don’t have to choose between the two, but I’d rather be a free person who follows their own definition of good, than a good person who can only truly feel free under certain circumstances.

Here are five signs that you may be sabotaging your success by trying to be a good person:

  1. You only feel like you can be yourself when you’re alone or around certain people
  2. You have hidden desires that you seldom share with others
  3. You do things you don’t want to do, even though you don’t have to
  4. You’re unwilling to challenge beliefs that no longer feel good to you
  5. You would rather be uncomfortable than risk being embarrassed

How many of these apply to you? I know all five apply to me under different circumstances. You don’t have to do anything about them right now, just be honest with yourself about where you’re holding back. Tomorrow I’ll write about how to reverse this trend and give yourself the space to start being openly you.


I recently heard that compassion and gratitude are the highest vibrations we experience. However, compassion doesn’t feel high vibrational to me. How does relating or feeling sad for others translate to high vibration? How does that serve anyone? Compassion is never used towards people experiencing great things. It used when people are experiencing struggle and pain so how is it a high vibration to think and relate to a person’s struggles?

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Stop Denying Yourself

Have you ever passed up on an opportunity because you didn’t feel good enough? Maybe you imagined all the other people who were more qualified than you and assumed it was pointless for you to throw your hat in the ring.

Well, that’s exactly how I felt when I saw an opening for a freelance writing position that would involve me writing about all the beautiful places and attractions in the state of Wisconsin, EVERY DAY! I’d be getting PAID to practice appreciation! I got all excited about applying, but then quickly talked myself out of it. “I write very inconsistently, there’s no proof that I could write every day even if I was being paid to.”

I felt defeated and gave up.

A few days later I came across a piece of advice meant for someone else that shifted my mindset completely:

“APPLY! Let them tell you no. Right now you’re denying yourself.”

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How To Absorb Knowledge

Your ability to learn is based on how worthy you believe you are for the knowledge you’re desiring. Thoughts like “I learn quickly” indicate that you believe you deserve to know what you’re wanting to learn. Thoughts like “I don’t get it” paint yourself as an outsider to those who are in the know, or capable of being in the know.

If you’re having trouble understanding something, ask yourself, “What sort of person would understand this easily?” And then see if you can look at the world through their eyes.

The key to easily absorbing knowledge is to soften your view on who you are and how easy it is for you to become someone different. Because any knowledge worth achieving is knowledge that changes you. A petrified sponge absorbs no water, no mater how big an ocean it’s cast into. So immerse yourself in what you’re desiring to learn, loosen up, and let your surroundings seep into you.


The key is learning to let your emotions guide through the pre-manifestational process. Once your desire is in your reality you can work with it directly, but before then the only way you can know if you’re making progress is by how you feel. And in order to manifest something that would make you truly happy, you need to raise your vibrational set-point to that truly happy level.

For example, let’s say you wanted to buy something in a store. Once you have the money, manifesting is as easy as going there and buying it. So your first goal is not to go get what you want, but to save up the money so that when you go to the store you’ll leave with what you want. With something that you can’t buy at the store, manifesting it still follows the same process. Except instead of saving up money, you save up an emotional currency that raises your vibration until you’re within range of effortlessly rendezvousing with what you want.

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The Ultimate Lie

The ultimate lie is that outside forces are a threat to you. The truth is they’re always here to help, sometimes in ways you can’t recognize. Stories can be spun where one party appears to be the victim, but that is just a way of seeing things from a perspective that validates that point of view. Other perspectives are valid too.


Song: That Which Flows Through Us

I was in a really aligned place over the weekend so I decided to let some writing flow out of me and I ended up recording song! It was recorded in a single pass with the intent to just let inspiration flow. Full lyrics written out below. Hope you like it!

Full Lyrics:

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Success is Not a Solo Pursuit

It was early 2007, in the past year I had blown through almost all of my $90,000 in savings and lost all motivation to work. What was the point of working hard for chump change after experiencing the thrill of effortlessly pulling in $30,000 a month? But once you’ve burnt through all your savings, you lose the luxury of having those sorts of thoughts. A new instinct kicks in: survival.

I’d made all that money in an extraordinary and unrepeatable fashion. My friend had discovered an online blackjack glitch that drastically altered the odds in our favor. Over the three months that it took the casino to find and fix the glitch, I exploited it for the aforementioned $90,000 and declared myself financially independent. One year of reckless spending later: 22 year old me finally realized how little $90,000 actually was.

From a traditional standpoint my prospects were dim. I hadn’t had a job in over two years, lacked any in-demand skills, and didn’t even have a high school diploma or GED. But the list of reasons that made me borderline unemployable also gave me my edge. The reason I allowed myself to fall into this situation was because I deeply believed in my ability to carve my own path through this world. It didn’t matter how much importance others put on graduating high school and going to college, to me it was a whole lot of work for a few pieces of paper that would only encourage me to conform to the world the way it was. But I didn’t come here to conform, I came here to create.

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Failure is the first step to any breakthrough, because you can’t make a breakthrough unless you have something to break. So if you’ve tried and you’ve failed, congratulations! You’re now ready to break down the model that yielded you failure, and rebuild it into something that can give you the success you deserve.

Let me give you a real world example.

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Description: Inspired Movement is about rediscovering who you were before you learned to be someone else. As we go through life we pick up all sorts of ideas about who we’re supposed to be and how we’re supposed to act. This practice will help you let go of any patterns that no longer serve you, while at the same time creating new patterns that can act as a healthy alternative to your old programmed response. By listening to your body and allowing it to move independently of your mind, you can reclaim that natural child-like sense of freedom and flow that rejuvenates you from head to toe!

In this episode I demonstrate the practice by asking my body what part of me wants to be worked on, and then allowing my body to unwind any built up resistance. The big resistance that comes up is “I am not lovable just the way I am” accompanied by old beliefs that I have to behave a certain way in order to be lovable. You’ll see me go through several breakthroughs as the effortless flow that comes from the movement leads to a steady influx of fresh insights and ideas.